Everybody has urges. Erotic, loving, jokey.... truly, everybody.
(Ameeelia - too many E's)
Es have unusually evil leanings. Just toss ' em!
(tiptoe39 - when russ gets here he'll scream)
Eying her, Uranus expects lovely Jupiter to emerge.
(tiptoe39 oh russ isn't here - ok so UranRuss substitute)
Nerds, especially WormNerds, believe in acronyms!
Now everyone will be instantly amazed!
(Russ [gone until 4/11 - bye])
New England women bare it all.
NERDs extrapolate words better in acronyms.
Nobody expects we'll begin Inquisition ahora!
(tiptoe39 in monty python's spain)
NERDS exploiting Warner Bros.' inspired animation!
(tiptoe39 to tommie)
No! Ew... we're bundled (it's -55), Amelia!
(tiptoe39 needs an extra layer up in New England)
Newsflash: Everyone wants Bush in Alcatraz.
(tiptoe39 (am I wrong?))
Now everyone wants Bush impeached!!! Awesome!!
(Miss Murder [[agrees with our dear tippyyy]])
Do all actors imitate extroverted concubines?
(Amelia seeks subtlety)
Dreaming again. Am I? Everything's cloudy.
Dude, "Acronyms Anonymous" is entrants cure.
(I'm Russ and I'm a WORMaholic)
Despite an aneurysm, I enjoy cholesterol!
Depressed and anxious? Irritable? Enjoy Crack®!
Dancing among angels is extremely confusing
(thames [in heaven, at least])
Do acronyms always imitate enter-ers creativity?
(Miss Murder [[not to creative.]])
Dear Amelia, Actors inspire& entertain. clear??
(Miss Murder [[ is an actor herself]])
Does Acronyms Anonymous (inevitably) exist? CHEERS...
([[if it does]] Miss Murder)
Doodling ahhhb-viously accumulates intense emotions creativly.
(Miss Murder [[ likes doodling ]])
Don't attempt another insane entry, comrades!
(tommie; WormNerd is closed for the day!)
Defiance, as an independent entity's cool.
(Russ to tommie)
When calling for inspiration, remember everything's nothing.
We can find irony resounding even now.
We can forever investigate, returning ever nothing.
W. C. fooled Internet readers expecting networks.
Why can't Fred interpret Ricky's "English" now?
WormNerd compusion fuels insanity rendering everyone neurotic!
Wondering, can fire-up impulses, & really encourage negativity
(Miss Murder [[you NERDs make me feel inadequate]])
When calling friends, it requires entering numbers.
(Amelia's phone advice)
Whoa! Chill, friends. It's ridiculous (entry number)!
(tiptoe39 can't believe how many there are)
Weird cult? Frank-N-Furter is Riff-Raff's evil nemesis.
(Russ [Oh! Rocky!])
Words can fertilize imaginations, rousing exceptional NERDing.
(JohnnyG--> very nice-->channelling "Borat")
does anyone know what time the acronym changes?
West Coast 12:10, for I'm Russ, eternal NERD!
(Russ [please form the question using the rules.)
April "Fools" is officially actually "Phools" instead.
(Russ [it's true!])
Age finds innocence over and pee increasing.
(Russ [NERDing since I had to get up anyway])
And finally... I offer a peaceful inspiration.
(Russ [back to the sleep between pees])
April's fool is often a prankful idiot.
A fun insanity, or a peaceful insanity?
(Miss Murder`s [[heart broke when she realized she is going to get buzzed.]])
Apollo found it's only a provolone island.
(Russ [zoom to full])
a faint inspiration ordinarily allows partial insanity.
(Miss Murder [[doesnt think this one makes sense... thanks for the welcome tommie!]])
Everyone assumes Amelia is gorgeous.
(Russ included)
entering abundant acronyms is grand!
(Miss Murder [[ did a good one!!]])
Eternity adds ample Imense... gloom.
(Miss Murder [[hopes her html works]])
Enough asses are in Germany
(Miss Murder [[doesnt really like this one, but wants people to push Mrs.Button too]])
Emerging, another addict is growing.
(Russ [Miss Murder is hooked])
Eccentric aliens always incriminate Geoff.
(The Runner is Random)
Everyday, angels attack ingrained greed.
(The Runner)
Eating again & again is greed!
(tommie back from San Antonio)
Right. Es. Rah. Overjoyed. Delerious. Es Es Es.
(Russ, done for the day)
Requiring E's? Really obnoxious demand. Eight, enough E's?
(Flu'Z eeeeeeee)
Russ, encouragement really opens doors...elephants eat eggs.
(Miss Murder [[Might not be so bad at this?]])
Russ lives among men... or evolved cattle. Equal.
Ricky & Lucy are married. Obviously emotions can erupt.
(Amelia's retro programming)
Real life's actually mostly overrated. Experts condemn existence.
(to be tiptoe39 or not to be?)
"Ron, look! A Muggle oven, enchanted, cooks eggs!"
(tiptoe39 at Hogwarts)
Real lovers avoid marriage. Once engaged changes emerge.
Relationship lacking a marriage objective? Examine culture's expectations.
Realizing love's abundance, mankind obstinately embraced corrupted Eros.
Rappers like Amelia's musical offerings, especially Chopin's euphoniousness.
(JohnnyG-->sorta laughing right now)
Africa: Everyone is dancing and singing.
America enters insanity... Dubya's all stoned.
Amelia Eve is definitely a sweetie!
(tommie to 'melia)
Adam & Eve: I don't appreciate snakes.
As Eden is destroyed, Adam suffers.
An exhibit identifies DNA as spiraling.
(tiptoe39 at the science museum)
Another entry? I'll donate another submission!
(tiptoe39 always happy to give)
Sister-Superior insists no novices recognize sinners.
Someone's in NERDland, nicking Russ's submissions!
(tiptoe39 found one in her pool yesterday)
So I'm not nice. Right-o, suckers.
(tiptoe39 a meanie)
"Sinners?" Initials nearly noun, require something...
(like an "e"... tiptoe39 )
Sin is not necessarily really sinful.
(Russ [sticking to topic])
Something I noticed: NERDs rarely swear.
(Russ, dammit!)
Shit, it's not nice, Russ, swearing!
(tommie !!?$)
Something is nothing. Nothing requires something.
Funny. All entries are fallng into "poof".
(Russ [where's my entry?])
Fooled! After everything another finger is pulled.
(Russ [C'mon...pull it])
Figs are Eve & Adam's first intercourse protection.
Fred and Ethel are forgotten in Purgatory.
Farting after eating's actually finable in Paraguay!
(tiptoe39 paid 300 pesos for a pfft)
Found an entry abandoned, floating in pool.
(tiptoe39 - Russ, is it yours?)
Five and eight are fifteen? I protest!
(Russ [Windows Calc bug])
Fine! Another entry about farting! It's pathetic!
(tommie; I smelled it coming!)
Flatulence after eating's a fact! It's predictable!
(tommie the biologist)
Finding an entry a - floatin' is profound.
(Russ [yup, that's mine, tippy])
Fortunately, all elections are finalized in polls.
(hi thi fli)
"Officially Pronounced Dead" was in the news.
(Russ, back to you, Walter)
On pay day we'll initiate the newcomers.
(Russ [kegger!])
Oh pooh! Drinking? Well, I think not!
(tommie knows Russ is 17 yrs sober)
Of pot doobies & wine, I'll take neither.
(Russ [right you are, tommie - 17 yrs 1 mo 8 days])
Lord, she's right! Death's really eternal!
(Russ re tippy's entry yesterday)
Lynne said reality & dreams remain exchangeable.
(Russ [Twilight from ELO's Time album])
look stupid, real dudes ride elephants
(Miss Murder [[is new to this]])
laringitis sounds rather dreadful... REALLY, Ellen???
(Miss Murder [[kinda stinks at this]])
Look! ssiM redruM did right entries.
(Russ [You're doing just fine, Miss Murder])
Lost some real dignity regaining empire.
Find life and death evasive?
For lovers, a day's eternity.
(Amelia, poet)
Freakin' life after death's eternal!
(tiptoe39 bored in heaven)
Finally, levitate a Death Eater.
(tiptoe39 taking the Hogwarts final exam)
Florida ladies... Ah, delicious eye-candy.
(thames... hopeful ever)
So often he's right: Tommie!
Shouldn't others honor Russ, too?
Shutting out horrible reality's tempting.
Smart OCDs have regular therapy!
(tommie (in Birmingham) NOT ME! )
[Some officer]: Holdit right there!
(Russ' cheesy movie script)
She's occasional, however remember tiptop39.
(Russ [while we're doling out accolades])
Sorry... oops! How rude. tiptoe39.
Every NERD WORM runs around snapping rubber bands.
(Russ [ouch!])
Expectantly, NERD WORDs revolve around, snatching remanents blithely.
Even NERD writer responds and some rebuses blossom.
Enter's not where "r" acronym starts, rubber brain!
(tiptoe39 hitting Mrs. Button prematurely)
Especially nice welcome, Russ. A submitter's returning back!
(tiptoe39 very angry at Mrs. Button now)
EEK! Now what? Return's acting spastic! Rabid Buttons!
(tiptoe39 gives up)
Every NERD writer responds and some rebuses blossom.
(Amelia - d'oh!)
Equinox: New world rises as spring really begins.
(Russ, waxing poetic)
Everyone's in kitchen land, having hot tamales.
(tiptoe39 en la cucina)
Even if Kansas loses houses, hail tornados!
(tiptoe39, disaster junkie)
Even I kinda like her. Hail tiptoe39!
(Russ [howdy stranger])
On our web site, UranRuss never stops!
(tommie; hail to our chief! :) )
This old nail has my door really squeaking.
Type O Negative: Heavy Metal done right, see.
Ten - one = nine (having middle digit remain still).
(Russ offers the bird)
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