Cheating Venus, Neptune orbits Uranus daily.
(UranRuss' "As Uranus Turns")
Can't view Neptune over Uranus, dear.
Cosmic voids nibble on universal dna...
(Carl Sabrockgan)
Can vaporize nads out under dogs...
(Bob Brocker)
Can vegans nibble on udder dung?
(Brock (likes vegies too))
Crap Vladimir! Now our university's dope!
(Mr. The Brockton)
Canceled! Void! Nullified! Outmoded! Unextant! Deaded!
(Brock ~fin~)
Could VI(six) NERDs outdo U dBrock?
(puckeroo (overwhelmed by BROCK's vast amount of entries!)
Canadians verily NERD often. U Do.
(Puckeroo to Brock.)
Citing various nodes, orbiting Uranus denied.
(puckeroo on patrol)
Co Vounty nor Old Uen, Deux.
Could Vonage need other units? Depends.
Creating voraciously, NERDeroo overcomes, undoing defeat!
(puckeroo ~finito~)
Canadia: Visiting now only.... University degree...
Cousin's very naive or unusually dumb.
(Cousin Coodie)
Even our doubters enjoy keeping our unusual religion.
Each of Dubya's endeavors kills our "undeniable" rights.
Emerging odor demands everyone keep outta Uranus' range.
After breakfast, a sandwhich needs eating now...
.. and... Blastoff!... and... six... no... eight... no...
(Russ' 2nd NASA interview)
After blastoff, astronaut says: "... numeration endangers ..." - NASA
Ao Bountry Aor Sld Nen! Escar Ninner!
In Russ' house, vegan food's always just inside.
If republicans have votes, fatwa and jihad imminent....
I really hate voters favoring a jackass' integrity.
(Mz. Amerika)
Eventually this internet stuff will implode...
(Brock :-( )
"Entirely true?" I said with inquisition.
(puckeroo doesn't believe everything he hears)
"Eat this." I said, "What izzit?!"
(Russ' high school mystery meat incident)
Entertainment through internet sources 4(for) wisecracking intellectuals....
Everyone's theory is surely warped indeed!
Eating Triscuits is Sandy's winning ingestion....
I've often admired equally nasty Muppets.
Inconsistencies of attention, eventually numbs mind.
(Rope Ere)
Internal organs are extremely needed; mostly.
(puckeroo. I present for your inspection, the appendix!)
It's oatmeal and Ensure now Maude...
(BRock becomes an octogenarian...)
"Another loser", she moaned. Really obnoxious!
All loners should make resolution: Outward-focus!
A light sauce makes radishes outstanding.
(chef puckeroo)
After Luigi saved Mario, romance occurred.
Awfully loud? Sue me. Rock on!
(Russ, complacent metal head m/)
Ah... lunar stuff makes riveting observation....
(A Lunar Brockalypse Now)
If Nerds today wormed more they'd delight...
(last train to Brockville...)
Into new territory; winding, meandering, travelling, dreaming.
(puckeroo introspective)
It's not tommie... well, maybe tommie... damn!
...I now think we're meant to depart!
In NERD town, we've Multiple tommie Disorder.
I need to WORM my thoughts daily.
I never thought we'd make Tammy dormant...
Tattoos are obviously objects that need tinting.
Take an orange or try new Tang!
(Ex-astronaught )
Totally awesome outburst! otherwise Tri nitro toluene.
The aim of our tribe: no technology.
Tammy announced ovulation on Thursday, Tommie noted...
Tatooine's always overpowers our terrestrial noon time.
(puckeroo two suns.)
That's already over one thousand now, Tammy!
(tommie's sick of Tammy's eggs!)
"There's another one on the next train!"
(Tammy slams the door leaving Tommie with larvae...)
They are off on the next train.
(Choo-choo Chicky)
Princess never attended the ball...
(lameo brock)
Orbiting Uranus needs some nasty circular action!
Cryptographic intentions prevented, having removed...
(...the letter 'E'. Brock)
Canadians, in particular, have reasons.
Can I please have rice?
'Course I prefer hard rock.
W I D E open spaces. Expansive.
Will I die enjoying obscene sexual experimentation?
(cardboard brox)
United States may have its Hummer impounded.
Uranus seems mighty huge! It's humongous indeed.
Unicorn sandwhiches make 4 healthy ingestion & happy intestines.
P U! Uranus sure has odor!
(tommie; occassion U participant)
Put underwear under stuff. How obvious.
Pluto upset Uranus since he orbited.
Please, users unite! Send HUCKABEE onward!
(puckeroo for huckabee)
Presidential usurp uses shadowy hands ominously...
(brock for ninjas)
Pushing Uranus up should help occasionally.
(UranRuss applauds other Uranus entrants today)
Planetary Union: Uranus says, "He's out!"
(UranRuss at the Interplanetary Convention. Discussion: Pluto)
"Planet unmarked! Uranus!" Shouted Herschel. Oberon?
(Bro before ck...)
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