Is Vader retreating? 'Cause Luke has a headache.
Do e's expect extra? Undoubtedly another occupier.
(Miss Murder [[stupid e's]])
Does Earth ever examine Uranus's asstronomical orbit?
Be very elated, folks! Alberto's history!
(tiptoe39 happy)
Betty, Veronica.. envious for Archie's heart.
Burgers, Velveeta, even fries aren't healthful.
(Amelia's diet)
Buying Viagra ensures floppies are hard.
Being vegan enrages family around holidays.
Big volume emerges from afros, huh?
Blood vessels evenutally fail. Arteries harden.
(Russ' b-day next week...feeling old)
Becoming very elderly? Find a hobby!
(tommie to Russ)
End it. Upsetting, really. Now stupid. Really, now!
(Miss Murder [[be upfront, stupid.]])
Even if Uranus rotates, nothing's showing right now.
(Russ [#*%($)#])
Does anyone purposely die?... A real idiot...
(Miss Murder [[wants to be murdered]])
Do another please. Do another, Russ insists.
Ah hah! Like bombs, Internet Explorer explodes!
Adam hated little bitch invading Eden's excellence.
Apparently "Hellishly Lucious Black" is Elvira's eyeshadow.
(tiptoe39 in the cosmetics aisle)
A hot Latin band is exceptionally engaging.
(Amelia - ¡arríba!)
Alit hindends, lightening bugs illuminate every evening.
Headaches are really a "convenient" refusal of romance.
Harlequins Are Really Author's Creative Renderings Of Romance.
(jayneaire, dolphinfan's wife)
Harry and Ron actively chased Riddle. Oh really?
(Amelia Potter)
Extra Terrestrials visit and make Earth explode.
(Russ' grim prophecy)
Eat the vitamins and make everything energized!
(Dr. Amelia)
Ever take Valium and mimic experiencing excitement?
Es everywhere! Help! Russ's had E - nuff!
Early edition headline reads hurricane eradicates Nassau!
Understand, caring takes much attention & tedious devotion.
(Miss Murder [[feels accomplished.]])
UranRuss cant turn me against this distraction.
(Miss Murder [[loves Russ.]])
Unusual circumstances today makes Alaska tommie's destination!
(tommie in Seattle, leaving for Alaska)
Under control temperment might alter towards dumb-asses.
Up creek? Try maybe always treading downstream.
(Russ' philosophy)
I'm going, "Yay!" or I'm flipping everyone off.
(Russ, bipolar)
Interesting... 'Grasshopper', 'Yeast', 'Oriental'... i'm feeling 'Exciting Onyx'...
(Miss Murder [[is painting her bedroom and it took forever for her color chart to load]])
I'm getting Yerba-mate on ice, for energy, obviously.
(Miss Murder [[has spent too much time at the tea house]])
I'm getting Yerba-mate on ice, for energy, obviously.
(Miss Murder [[has spent too much time at the tea house]])
If God yodels, oh, it fucks Earth's orbit!
I'll get you oranges in Florida, expect oodles!
Rear view windows just overload our eyes.
(Russ [keep going forward])
NERDs enter in intimate and natural moments.
(Amelia... just a second, honey...)
Beware! Uranus emerges & Earth goes mad.
Butt - ugly elephants emerged, giggling maliciously.
(Amelia's nightmare)
Ever higher, Russ remembers, "Don't look down".
Everyone here respects Russ, despite little differences!
Part time nuns voted off Entertainment Tonight.
Popeye's taste never varied; Olive enjoyed that!
Perhaps the Napa Valley only excites tourists.
(...not natives like Amelia)
Delicious. Ahhh. Oh hmm. Smells enjoyable. Absolutely.
(Miss Murder [[enjoying apple pie]])
During aerobics, obese housewives shake enormous asses!
Teens eschew niceties and enjoy naughty shenanigans.
(Amelia, maiden aunt.)
Tell everybody, NERDs: An entry's needed, stat!
Ten... eh... nine and eight. Now seven.
(Russ, NASA candidate)
Big Russ: our acronym boss!
Beast's romantic overatures attracted Beauty.
(Blush) Really only a baby.
(Russ humbly enters)
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