wanna go HOME now...

Welcome to WORM NERD lite++

Today's word is RAVISHER

You know the rules. Enter your submission and push the button. Then go talk amongst yourselves.

PS: OK, no, seriously, this time, I think it's better.
If you run into any problems, leave me a note.
- The Mgmt

Yours truly, , Mrs.

Some Past Entries

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I never need narcotics, officer... (Drop it like it's Brock...)
I've noticed: 500 networks, nothing's on. (Russ [click...click...click...])

NERDs need Amelia, or else they can't enter. (Russ [It's been months. Where is she?])
Nerds not around? Optionally enjoying their cheritable/crappy existance? (Rock out with my Brock out...)

Nobody better offer me crack! (Mr. P (puckeroo))
Nearly became O = M C˛ (Russ [O = Order])
National best-sellers often make cash. (Brockeroo)
NERD Brock OBEYs my command. (puckeroo - an art & design NERD)

Please verify I exist online. (Mz. Dot Com)
People vote in elections obviously. (Gosh Bless Peeps)
Please vote in elections, OK? (tommie; your election NERD)
Put video in. Exercise or....? (puckeroo)
Puckeroo votes in entry, "OBEY." (Puckeroo OBEYs Brock)
Purple velvet? I expected orange! (Russ [redecorating])

All art & design Nerds OBEY. (Brock)
Another annoying Democrat needles opponents. (Spirit of '08)

Astronaut Russ arrives. Rear side entry. (puck)

All days you yearly observe: Oh yeah! Anniversaries. (Riddlin' Russ)
Another day, you're yearning over oldies, you ancient.. (and so it happens that old people cry over dead music)

Compact Discs lately are having trouble. (Russ enters the mp3 era)
Certain domestic ladies are hot tamales! (Seńorita, Russ needs room service)

Now, Vote! Today's democrats mean nerve-wrecking times. (puckeroo)

Let's all enjoy this nice epenada. There's salsa... (Brocxican Fiesta)
Life, as Einstein taught, needs energy to survive. (Russ=MC˛)
Love and ego: those necessary elements tommie savors! (tomme)

I crap right now on everybody. (Mr. Poop)
I concur. Remember, no one's excluded. (Russ)

Funny. Uranus always exudes deadly toxic odors. (puckerooty toot toot)
Finding Uranus, asstronauts eventually decide to orbit. (UranRuss)

Awesome! Outer extremities (Uranus) vast and spacious NASAcities. (pUckeroo)

Keeping vigilant! My over concern seems nominal… (Brock is some 9th circle of hellish damnation sick....)
Kiss, Van Morrison or Crosby, Stills & Nash? (Russ can't decide - leaning toward Kiss)
"Killer Virgins" - Movie on Crappy Show Network. (Russ [get well, Brock])
Keep vagina moist on casual sex night. (Mr. The Button advice to Mrs. The Button)

Everyone needs our Internet site. (Russ would die without WORM NERD)

NERD finds Uranus above, hovering brightly. (Puckeroo (nods to Russ))
Never feel uranus after having beans. (puckeroo (again, thinking of UranRuss))
Nice, friend! (UranRuss adds humble bow). (UranRuss)
Now fill up a helium baloon! (Russ [should be no problem after all those beans])
Nuts! Fucked up again. Helium balloon! (Russ)

The redhead filleted largely lovable dolphin… (Brock sings: Flipper Flipper, faster than lightning...)
Tunnel ride fatality; London's Lady Diana. (dolphinfan)

I love to maky my sweetie "O". (puckeroo)
I'm left to my many sordid opinions. (Russ)
I've listened to Marilyn Manson since October. (Russ [going to the 2/14 show])
I like this months mustard seed option... (Brock)
I love to make men squirm! Ohhhhh...... (Flu'Z)
I like telling my mother-in-law.... shove off~ (dolphinfan)
In less time, Micro Mincer™ slices onions! (Brock)

Narcotics rolled out like candy... (Officer Brock opens the trunk)
NERDs read organic labeled cerealboxes. (puckeroo)
Neither right or left cares. (Russ wants a middle party)
Nationwide, Russ organizes Lindependant caucuses. (puckeroo *shrug*)
Nation reports of Ledger casualty... (Brock)

Safaris (African) have neat elephants. (puckeroo)
Spuds are hot! Next entry. (puckeroo)
Strangely and Humbly, nerds elucidate... (a nerd.)
Something acutely hard's not easy. (Russ' house of duh)

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