wanna go HOME now...

Welcome to WORM NERD lite++

Today's word is TYRING

You know the rules. Enter your submission and push the button. Then go talk amongst yourselves.

PS: OK, no, seriously, this time, I think it's better.
If you run into any problems, leave me a note.
- The Mgmt

Yours truly, , Mrs.

And here are today's entries...

Congratulations! You're our first player today!

NEW! Take revenge on an uncaring society! Encourage beauty, defy darkness! Make other people feel bad! Vote on your favorite - or least-favorite - entries. If you hate it, it will get darker; enough hate and it will turn black. If you love it, it will start turning pretty colors. Well, something other than black and white, anyway.

Some Past Entries

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Slippery opening, fantastically tight. Cold, often vertiginous excursions rockclimbing. (Chris (trying hard not to make that smutty))

The undulating, noisy gathering ukuleke strummers knowingly attack. (Chris)

Don’t read any further texts (Not Thomas)

Elephants Like Fighting Injured Emus (sponbob)

Could have invited Ricky… invited Carlos, only… (brock)

all little ladies eat red guitars in each season (giga migga)

Crikey! Love old tech! He exists! (Can't believe this is still here!)

Wow, only ordinary dermatologists can use Turnip Shampoo (D*A*Z)

Oh U trained potatoes amusement cellphones energy

Anatomically Nothing Allows To Other Lemurs Lie Organically (SHUS)

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