wanna go HOME now...

Welcome to WORM NERD lite++

Today's word is RAVISHER

You know the rules. Enter your submission and push the button. Then go talk amongst yourselves.

PS: OK, no, seriously, this time, I think it's better.
If you run into any problems, leave me a note.
- The Mgmt

Yours truly, , Mrs.

Some Past Entries

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Entries unusually not excellent. Yours especially. (puckeroo)
Enjoy unicorn nudity? Eventually you'll enquire... (Unibrock.)

Netscape is enjoying continued lifespan.... (Brock shrugs lazily with Firefox)
Notice I eventually came (late). (Russ, lazy)

Everlasting, Lennon's love encouraged niceties like: helping everyone... (Brock)
Everyday, living life, everyone needs laughter, honesty, e-machines... (Spirit in the Sky)

Quills ink entertaining tales of stormy torrent destruction... (Brock)
Quick! It's Easter today. Offer something to devil. (Russ' twisted Easter ritual)

For entertainment, all have NERD. (Brock is a sock)
Fun entering a heroes name? (Megalomaniac Russ to imposter)
Four: Eight ate his nines. (Russ [first entry isn't me])
Frequently entertaining a handsome neighbor. (Flu')
Father's Ethiopian and he's neat! (Hallo)

Interesting. I usually clean my nose. (puckeroo)
I... I... uhh.. could maybe. Not. (puckeroo)
I insist Uranus called my name! (UranRuss)
Incision in Uranus certainly made needlessly! (tommie; what a knee-jerk!)
Indeed, imitation Uranusi can make news. (puckeroo. (how'd you find that one, tommie!?!??))
Interesting icons used. Click mine now! (Flu'Z)

Reality's probably not an essential need! (tommie doesn't need it!)
Rarefied pataphysical nonsense allows enlightenment now. (Brock is a ham hock.)
Raw pig noses are en_vogue now. (puckeroo)
Replace parts now; afterwards, enjoy newness. (puckeroo (on cosmetic surgury))
Right, puckeroo. Need an elongated nose. (Russ)
Rude people need an eccentric neighbor. (Since We're Neighbors, Let's Be ...)

Silhouette yon hand / lovely haiku lumberjacks / always understand (puckeroo)
Shut your hole, Luna! (He's laughing at Uranus). (UranRuss [nice haiku, puck])
" So, you have lice huh? " - Lice and U. ((A prevention & education video.) Brock)
Surely, you have loved him longer as Underdog! (Arf Arf)

Cut the thoughtless pissing tommie, NERDER's enraged! (Friendly Fred)
Could the top performer take nine Emmys? (Flu'Z)
Circling, Travis travels patiently to Neptune, even. (puckeroo)
Consider this. To play, twice needn't enter. (Puckeroo to self.)
Can't trick Thought Police. They're now everywhere. (Russ in 1984)
Can't this time; perhaps the next engagement. (with regrets, Puckeroo)

Howard's over 'ere eatin' turkey (Puckeroo. Gobble! Gobble!)
He's orbiting earth! Exciting times. (Puckeroo)
Hurrah! Other entries! Entertaining, too! (puckeroo - wishful thinking 5 hours later)
"Home," offered ET: Extra Terrestrial. (Russ)
How's one ever equal two? (Russ to his other personality)
Helix Orbit extinct. Eat taters! (Brock)

Occasionally, I order hamburgers rare! (Someone in the Kitchen with Dyna (Someone's in the kitchen, I know.))
Ohioans in Ohio have reason. (Puckeroo)
Others in Ohio hardly remember. (Puckeroo)
OK. I'm over here. Really. (Puckeroo)
Otherwise, I'm ok. Having recurrences. (Puckeroo)
Orbiting? I'm orbiting heavily, Russ. (Puckeroo)
Openings in overhead hatches revealed. (Puckeroo fin)
Oh, in orbit, huh? Rotating? (Russ, orbiting and rotating)
Orbital interference often hampers Russ... (Brock)
" Others " inland on Hanso's resort... (Brock gets Lost....)
Open it! Opening hatch reveals....... (brock)

"Freudalism" examines dreams. Ah... Sigmund. (puckeroo)

Everyone really counts on UranRuss' nasty NERDs! (tommie, fan)
Emergency Room costs outrageous! Unless necessarily needed. (puckeroo, [but even then....])
Ever round & cuddly, occasionally Uranus needs nibbling. (UranRuss)
Every round counts! One uppercut negates nemesis! (Brocky)

Enormous & almighty, Uranus is planetary and massive! (UranRuss)
Earth and Uranus: interesting planets almost married... (...thanks to UranRuss! - tommie)
Eating apples usually is pediatricians' action mandate... (Brock)

Hmmmm... a real fucked up ominous storm! (Russ answering Brock)
Harnessing astronomy, Russ finds Uranruss... otherworldly self. (Moon Brocks)
How asshole Russ feels; unusually outgoing sometimes! (Friendly Fred)
Hubble's all roused. Found Uranus orbiting Saturn. (UranRuss)
His artificial rabbits' foot unfortunately offered strife... (Brock)

NERDs don't need a computer to meet Russ. (Puckeroo (Actually, they do - unless they know him personally))
Noticing Donald's nifty aristocratic comb-over, Tommie made remark: (Brock pees pants in anticipation!)
Need dinner? Nuke a cana' those Mac ronies.... (Brock)

Alice Cooper got pissed at Ozzy. (Russ' Metalphors)
Art can give people an outlet. (Brock)
A careless gent pays attention occasionally. (Maggzzilla)
Acroing can give people an outlet. (hi thi fli)
Again, Clinton glances pathetically at Obama. (Puckeroo)
A color: green. Pass an orange. (Russ)
Accepting criticism gives power against oppressors. (puckeroo)
After creating God, people argued... obviously.... (Brock FSM FTW)
"Aren't cartoons great?" Popeye asked Olive! (tommie)

One cookie never seems fair enough. (Russ)
Obama, Clinton need successful formulas. Electorates? (Puckeroo)
Orange County needs some fire engines. (Russ)
Okay, "choo-choo's" not so funny either. (Russ must be 2...cookies, fire engines & choo-choos)
Otherworldy clean, National Sanitation Foundation's Environment (puckeroo )
One certified NSF sink for everybody! (Russ [expanding on puck's theme])
Ohio certainly needs some faster elections! (tommie, waiting)
Obsessive compulsive NERDs seldom forget entering! (tommie)

Russ, determine if NERD Russ's obsessiveness overasserts. (We'd all like to know??)
RIght, dude. I need real official observation. (I'm Russ and I'm a NERDaholic)
Russ #12,307 displays irrational Nerdings. Results observed often. (Brock's clipboard diagnosis...)
Russ dominates in NERDing rituals, overcoming obstacles. (puckeroo)
Recently, digging into new Rock Operas online. (Russ [particularly Ayreon])

" Eating all this humus sure does suck..." (Brockoli)
English, as "texting" has shown, deteriorates steadily. (Russ prefers whole words)
Every atom that has sound dies soon (Finley)

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