wanna go HOME now...

  The FabricKation of Meaning

20 October 2000

6:22 PM: Woo hoo! King Crimson tonight! I'm listening to the new CD, The ConstrucKtion of Light, right now. It's good, it's very guitar-y. I hope I don't end up standing next to any whoo-hooers.

So they ended up giving me a brand new - or I should say, another brand new - computer, to try to fix the mouselock problem. Guess what happened about 10 minutes ago. I don't have the heart to say anything about it. Besides - the only constant in this equation now is me. My breath is breaking the driver, I guess.

I need socks.

6:36 PM: Sonofabitch, it happened again! This is driving me berserk.

Much much argument on email lists about politics, Nader, Gore, abortion, free love, zoning, dark matter, the cosmological constant, and female ejaculation. Well, OK, some of that might just be me taking metaphors too literally. Just amazing the number of keystrokes people will expend at the drop of a header, though. Very tiring. Especially when it usually boils down to, "I'm right, you're not, if you don't understand that, you're either not paying attention or you're an idiot."

One of the things that amuses me is the inevitable entry of the "Whoah! Watch out if you are not having the opinion that is 'politically correct'! You will have you're head 'torn off' around here! I guess liberals relly cant stand to here that they are just Wrong! Ha ha!'" people. What is up with that? Why does that kind of knee-jerk special pleading go with terrible spelling and that weird kind of semi-exchange-student English? It's not like most of these people are exchange students, after all. Where are they picking that style up from? Is this a Rush thing? (Limbaugh, not Geddy Lee.)

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
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The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.