wanna go HOME now...

  More Obscure Nuttery

17 February 2000

10:52 PM: Whole integers of people have asked, "What is the MRB Survey?" Well, I'll tell you. "MRB" means "Meal Replacement Bar". As part of my quest to find evidence that this is in fact the future, I've been looking for the space food that we were supposed to be able to eat that would supply all our nutritional needs, usually depicted as pills. Damn this is slow tonight. Wasn't I supposed to have left that sort of thing behind? Grr. Oh, so anyway, space food, yes. I had read about Balance bars as one of the most likely of the various meal-bar products. Things like Clif bars are just candy bars with dirt bike tires. And lo, here were Balance bars on sale for only $0.99 at my local large drugstore chain. (Turns out they're on sale at both chains, interesting...)

Thus the survey.

Almost as if someone had read yesterday's entry, here is a friendly Slashdot reader explaining ways to effectively lobby against the UCITA. It's a bit too specific to Virginia, but at least suggests the kind of research that needs to be done in each state. And that is one of the ways that this is being sneaked in, that it's being done without a lot of public attention, state by state. Many state legislators don't have the staff or the time to research a subject like software contract law, and they're pretty boosterish pro-business types anyway. They rely on smart guys in clean suits like, oh, Microsoft lobbyists to explain stuff to them. Maybe we should give them a hand too.

He also includes a link to a good article, UCITA 101: What You Should Know About the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act.

And yes this is a good indication that there's not a lot happening in my actual life lately...

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
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The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.