wanna go HOME now...

  Oh, Joy. Home.

13 September 1999

7:15 PM: Well, back again. I never noticed how dirty & ugly it is here. In Melbourne I was panhandled twice in two weeks, and I was in areas of the city equivalent to San Francisco's financial district and Union Square. Here the rate'd be more like twice in twenty minutes. I never saw anyone sleeping in a doorway or an alley. Not the same as proof that nobody did, but again, try to imagine going through SF late at night and not seeing anyone cooped out on the street.

And gee, the funny thing is, they have an actual Labor movement, and the head of the local Trade Unions Council looks like any old average government type, and not a lentil-chewing Mumiafied leftover. Posters went up on Monday of last week, for a rally on Friday in the center of the city to support sending UN peacekeepers into East Timor. 20,000 people showed up. Yes, it's a hot and emotional topic, but this wasn't just spontaneous combustion, it was organized.

Ah, sigh. Civilization. And the girls are cute too. Not to mention that I finally was just naturally waking up in the morning and going to sleep at night. I want to go back.

I'll probably have more to say about this or that - I didn't end up keeping a paper journal because I was on vacation goddammit. I'm not much of a recorder. I didn't even use up the disposable camera I bought. But now I have the time to ruminate, and make up stories that sound better than the truth, which is what memory is for, eh?

Meanwhile, everyone and their sisters continue to quit, back here at The Web. My dumb inertia is being worn down. We'll see.

Today's Misguided Chutzpah Award:

To: "i" <pamie@pamie.com>, "think" <matt@sturges.org>,
        "disney" <lunesse@ricochet.net>, "said, 'it is'" <chuck@deadpan.net>,
        "such a small world" <opuls@yahoo.com>,
        "that I" <rubsley@mailcity.com>, "could crush " <tater@potatoe.com>,
        "it in my hand" <soleprop@apersonalsite.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 12:31:57 -0700
From: "Mara Jo Finn" <hexvision@england.com>
Subject: it's here! it's here! silence, Jimmy, it's here!

i have no friends. i don't even like people. i do, however, enjoy the online 
representation of people i find through web jounals. and since you ARE the 
closest thing to people that I know, i feel completely comfortable sharing 
my plan with you. the plan will make you like youself.  children will 
recognize you on the street. Andy Rooney will be proud of you.  Your father 
will finally quit calling you "Rickie."

the plan is this: on Monday, September 13, my online journal will stage its 
takeover of the world. it has been prophesied by The Elders that, if eight 
prominent online journallers link to my site 
on Monday, September 13, 1999, it will send a high-powered, invisible radio 
signal to the Russians, telling them to delay their plans for world 
destructions, and instead take measures for the peace of all Mankind.  
The Elders think we're too stupid to figure this out.  They're laughing at 
us right now---shh-----can you hear them? But I know better. And I'm CERTAIN 
that you know better.  

so i urge you to unite with me.

and remember--they laughed at Jesus when he had an idea like this, but 

                  i love you all.
                          ------m a r a

Well, they nailed him to a couple big pieces of wood and he croaked, dinnit he? Doesn't sound like too good a precedent to me. And it's a very, er, interesting use of the word "prominent." Unless you're talking about stomachs. Which isn't really fair to Pamie, after all that hard work with the Plae Do stuff, nor to the other people who I don't know as much about, I'm sure.

Your assignment for the Today that will come after this one is to read about Cybercommunism and come up with something better to say about it than "Commies suck!" And remember, originality is important, but speling counts two.

Hmmm. That essay could have been better organized. For your convenience:

11:32: This month's pinup is Hole. Because of the picture on the inside of Live Through This. I knew that kid. Because Melissa auf der Mer is an angel who plays bass and how much more can one ask for, really. Because I sat at the back of a boat headed out into the middle of the bay in Melbourne, and watched the sun set, and in my head over and over, heard "...And the sun goes down/I watch you slip away/And the sun goes down/ I walk into the waves". And I didn't even know what it meant, didn't really even know the exact words at the time, and just from the sound it felt like exactly right then, only more so.

On the flight back here , for some reason I was listening to the Business Talk program on the in-flight audio. A woman was doing a short bit about emotional intelligence, tied into the books, available in the airport of course. She talked about a certain fellow she knew in school, absolute best grades, top of the class. Where is that fellow now?

"He lives alone, and is a postman."

Oh look at my face
My name is might have been
My name is never was
My name's forgotten

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.