wanna go HOME now...

  The Hole In It

28 August 1998

9:54 PM: Putter, putter, eat some clutter. I think I'm having a hard time coming to terms with the idea that I'm out of things to do for the day. That seems odd considering it's Friday night and all - not that I have anything special planned, but you know, Workin For the Weekend ha ha, Hey! Have a good weekend! You too! Got Any Plans? No, I'll just be Hangin Out! Ha ha! Hey, me Too! Well, Have A Good One! OK!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <-- a cry for help

Ha Ha.

My fuck-it window came and went around 5:30, I think that's what happened. As I suppose I could have expected, I woke right up at around 3:30 AM last night and never really got back to sleep until just after the alarm went off. That's just how it goes. I wasn't late at least - I allow a large amount of slack time between alarm and must-be-here time - but I was draggin my butt around all day. Boring to be, boring to say.

Kind of a big nothing day altogether, though. On IRC a lot, but without paying much attention to it, it just ran in a window. No one else that was on was saying anything either. What was the purpose, then? Were we silently affirming our sense of community? Or just habit-ruled robonerds? Dull. Finished big job here, huz-fucking-zah.

There is a party tomorrow. It is a Spice Girl Replacement Party. There will be karaoke. It is people from work. There will be cute people there. I am having that thinking again. I ought to go. I'll never meet people if I don't meet people. But. I don't think any of them particularly like me. Nice excuse, luuser! Nothing to say, nothing to say. Wall support. I remember one party once with people from work, I shocked someone. "Look," she said, "he's drunk!" Yesh I am, sister, and so's your dog. Helllo, li'l doggie!

Cowardice, terror, who judges that? Do they have an 800 number?

And OH flubber. I'm committing filler here, I know. Well, maybe I will think of something more later.

2:20 AM: Nope.

4:07 AM: Do you think there's a law that says that all women shopping in Safeway after 3 AM have to be beautiful? Or perhaps could my judgement be biased in some respect? Seems unlikely, but I suppose I should consider the possibility.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.