wanna go HOME now...

  Welcome Home

27 August 1998

This is amazing. Not only did I wake up spontaneously at 7:30 AM this morning, but it's not even 12:30 and I'm falling asleep! Ladies and gentlemen, he's back in this time zone! How bout a big hand?

I had all kinds of exciting things to tell you, but now I'm too tired.

Ha! Just kidding. By and large it has been a good day, though. I got out of the house early enough to go have breakfast, and even though it was just the usual Squat & Gobble cheese omelette (nothing to write home about, or even to write strangers), that's still a pleasantly civilized way to start the day. Many goofy tasks and mini-panics arose at work, but they were all eminently handleable. Nice to feel needed.

That's another banana word. Handleableblebleble. English is so strange. You can tell that we've just been making it up as we go along for about 500 years or so. It'll be interesting to see if recorded media preserves it against the kind of drift it's seen in the past. Well, it would be interesting, except for that problem of being dead too soon. Annoying, that.

Went to see Fist of Legend tonight. You remember, the Jet Li movie. Damn but that boy can fight! The choreography was amazing. Now I'm doubly annoyed that I missed New Legend of Shaolin this past weekend. It's one of the ones with that weird midget kid who also has amazing kung fu. There's a scene in it where Jet Li ties a rope around the kid's waist and swings him around through all the bad guys, while the kid knocks them all out with kicks. No verbal description can suffice. You have to see it.

And Jet understands the Today principle! From his interview in Giant Robot: "Never to think about the future. Just think now. Past tense is already past. The future, you never know if you have it. Maybe a few days later a rock will hit the earth." Exactly.

I also got this cool plastic cup when I bought a large Coke at the theater. It has this solid white lid with four raised bumps on it - I guess the idea is that you press down the bump that corresponds to the flavor of soda, so you can find the right one in the dark or if you're blind maybe. But if you don't press any of them down, and then you put the straw in to make a sort of insect-looking mouth/proboscis bit, it looks like the face of a strange but cheeful alien! Dad!

The only slightly discouraging bits today were several instances of the Cute-Girl-Running-Away-In-Fear phenomenon. I get that a lot. I know it's my fault, though. I sort of forget to pay attention to what I'm doing, and I'm just looking around at whatever is interesting in the environment anyway. So if, say, there is a cute girl on the bus, I end up looking at her. Only I'm not thinking about it, so it turns from looking into looking. Then they get nervous and if we get off at the same stop, she will dash away. "What's that about? Oh. I was doing that looking thing again."

If you happen to have been on a bus lately, or, um, in the office of a certain Web-related company, and someone was looking at you like that, allow me to officially apologize. Even if it wasn't me, I feel confident I can speak for the entire class of zoned-out guys.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.