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root: Annex Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and Australia?

parent: Re: Re: Re: Annex Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and Australia?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Annex Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and Australia? by Cyberjunkie on 2004-02-20 03:00:41

HAHAHA! and informal global empire? can somebody say arrogance?! Yes America has the strongest military in the world, but thats on its own. they notion was that the 'combined' forces of the four countries could defeat the US. and for the most part this is true - if you discount the fact that New Zealand really doesn't have a defence force and that Mexico's is probably screwed beyond repair. Australia and Canada still stand a good chance if they call in their friends - yes that's right Americans, you can actually be friendly with other nations. and the fact that the US spends more money than anyone else should be mocked. especially considering what that money is used for; lets not forget the 'son of star wars' project. Perhaps i shouldn't be using that, considering that both Australia and Canada are close to joining the program...

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