I used to get a lot of these really strange "surveys" from two teenage girls who had found my site. So I guess Pamie is a lot younger than I thought.

PS: I don't think it's true that the Artist wrote this, despite the spelling.

The Ultimate Survey For: Tater (http://www.potatoe.com/)

Nicknames: Um. Wanna guess?

Hometown: Ukiah, CA

Croutons or Bacon Bits: Both

Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch

Do u drink: Drink what? Water? Yes. Coffee? Yes. Beer? Yes. Soy milk? No.

Shampoo or conditioner: The French.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping: No

Do u make fun of people: Me? Oh, never, no. I'm a nice person.

Favorite color: That shade of intense bright blue that everyone uses to paint outdoor steel things with in Scotland, but only when you see it on an overcast day in the middle of a lot of colorless things, like concrete buildings.

Have You ever been convicted of a crime?: Yes, peddling without a license.

One pillow or two?: Two

Pets: None

Favorite Type of Music: Smart-ass weirdo bands

Hobbies: Sleep, Typing, Reading, Waiting

Dream Car: None

Type of Car you drive now: None

Words or phrases you overuse: really, actually, certainly, fuck me, um

Toothpaste: Sensitive AquaFresh. It's for sensitive people - like me.

Favorite Food: Fried chicken. Followed closely by gummi worms.

Piercing or tattoos: I have a hole in my head above my right ear, but I didn't put it there. Does that count?

On-line Crush: You, baby.

Current boyfriend/girlfriend: Geena Davis

Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: There was this girl who I used to date in high school, who I didn't talk to for my entire senior year, because she called the cops on me for something I completely did not do. I went away to college, and came back for graduation of the class behind me - hers. When we saw each other on the field after the ceremony, it was like a lab demonstration of electromagnetism. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other, and we ended up going home together that night and not sleeping at all, and, um, not talking too much either. Two days later the current was turned off, and she dumped me again. She told me that, in truth, all the time she had ever gone out with me, including these previous two days, she was just trying to get to a friend of mine, and now she had, so bye. So that was kind of romantic.

How do you characterize yourself (a hopeless romantic or non-romantic)?: Hopeless, and romantic

Do you get along with your parents?: Yes, my father especially, now that he's dead.

Favorite town to chill in: I don't like being cold.

Favorite Ice Cream: Rocky Road

Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper

What's your bed time?: Around 5 AM, or else noon

Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Fuck me.

Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Bacon!

Favorite Song at the moment: "Nobody's Fault But My Own", off Mutations by Beck

Favorite Movie(s): Recently: Shakespeare in Love Randomly from the past: Buckaroo Banzai, The Conversation, Wing Chun, Ace in the Hole

Favorite TV Shows: Simpsons, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I used to watch more but I have problems with schedules.

Favorite Novel: Recently: Days of Cain, London, The Murderers, ...To Say Nothing of the Dog

Favorite Website: +s: I've prepared a little list for you.

Favorite subject in school: Math

Least Favorite Subject: French

Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Anchor Steam

Favorite chick drink: Pixie Piss

Favorite Sport to watch: Baseball

Most recent humiliating moment: Leaving the house today

Loudest person u know: My friend Erin (not her real name). She is "a loud, friendly young woman", as New Scientist put it once. She disputes the "friendly" part.

Craziest person or silliest u know: Amadeus Asmodeus. He's not a real doctor.

Favorite Holiday: That one that's in May or June.

What do u look for in a mate/lover: Three-dimensionality would be a nice change.

The worst thing that has happened to you in the past couple months: The past couple months. Pure passage of time.

Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you and be sure to send it back to them: Pamie writes really good dialogue. Or dialog, even. It doesn't matter at all if it really happened like that.