wanna go HOME now...

  Dead Man Typing

13 April 2000

6:28 PM: I shudder to think what this code I'm writing right now is going to look like when I'm awake. I probably shouldn't be trying to work on it now in the first place, but you know, gotta look busy. Now that the company is suddenly worth half what it was a month ago (ha!), everyone's a little... testy.

I'd probably be testy too if I wasn't so knackered. I did indeed take yesterday off. Got up about the usual time, went out and had tea and sandwich and soup which was lovely, read the Times, and planned out where I was going to put what when I tore up my bedroom and reassembled it. Home by 5, Penny came by to help, we started around 5:30, 6 PM.

By, oh, 12:30 AM, we'd done about as much as it was possible to do that evening. I found a power outlet in the corner by the window that I hadn't known was there, and it made the whole job more straightforward. So now I have a folding table - those kind that they use in churches and schools and reallly cheap startups - set up with the new computer, monitor, printer, scanner, and speakers all plugged in and ready to go (kinda). I have a floor all around this arrangement. A vacuumed floor I might add. I have a closet that, were it to be emptied of boxes, you could actually walk into and out of again without risking your life. The Looming Tower of Death no longer looms directly over my head. (It is stuffed to the gills, though, poor fellow. Need More Bookcases.)

I essentially had to move into my own apartment. The only way I could get enough stuff out of the room to rearrange everything was to pack it all and pile it up in the hallway or the closet. It was a lot like the last time I moved in other ways, too. Started out very neat and organized, ended up with an entire bedsheet full of stuff gathered up and carried off like pirate booty. Well hey, I write Perl, too, so what do you expect? It ain't pretty but it works.

So that was incredibly exhausting, dirty, and sweaty work. We ordered Chinese food but by the time it showed up, all I could do was eat some hot & sour soup, a spring roll, and two little chicken wings. More than that just didn't seem worth the effort.

Then around 2 in the morning, Sarah came over because they've had their power turned off again. She was wide awake and had bronchitis. Later that morning, my upstairs neighbor got up horribly early for him (and me). There was not much sleeping getting done.

I'm just so glad that there wasn't a game today like I thought there'd be.

6:44: Whoosp.

Did you know that an 8' pine bookcase costs between $150 and $200 now? Where are those fellows who say that there's no appreciable inflation these days. I think I could teach them to appreciate it a bit more.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
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The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.