wanna go HOME now...

  How Are Things In Guacamole?

17 March 2000

9:31 PM: Yesterday was a little ... tense. We launched a redesign of our site - and a special thanks to all of you who wrote in so diligently to say "Dood! Youre site SUCKS!", be careful opening your mail mmkay? - yesterday afternoon. Naturally a few things went worng. However. The majority of problems were with the configuration of our live servers. I am not allowed to touch these machines, because only for special people. I have been managing machines since before these little twerps started shaving their butt hairs, of course, but I digress. The net result is that I have people standing around me saying "itsbroken!itsbroken!whenyagonnafixit?whenyagonnafixit?" like crackhead parrots, and even though I know exactly what needs to be done, I'm not allowed to do it and the guy who is allowed is mysteriously gone (outside having a cigarette, I later learn) and so just FUCK THE HELL OFF OK????


Because on top of all of that, you see, last night Seven Samurai was playing at the UC. I had to reschedule theater tickets to make sure I could see this movie. I already had to blow off Rashomon last week. I was. not. going. to. miss. it.

On the other hand, the crack parrots and the smoking ops guy, and the site and its wee troubles, and having to get up way too early for the second day in a row anyway. A slight amount of stress was experienced.

Today's another beautiful day, though, and golly isn't it just great to be alive??!! Let's sing a song!

Hey, but I did get the money from selling my employee stock purchase plan stock in the mail, and it turns out I caught it at just about the apogee of its recent price arc, which is cool. Means I can finally get a new computer AND pay the taxes I'll owe on this.

Tonight, eek, St. Patrick's Day, amateurs in the bars, scaries on the road. I'm gonna go see Mission to Mars anyway. Dang it.

11:16; Auctions are evil.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.