wanna go HOME now...

  Mmm, Coffee

9 March 1999

2:20 PM: Saw two big old-style two-masted sailing ships out on the Bay today as the train went down the Embarcadero. Looked like a great day out there, too. Not raining, and none of this shapeless haze, but proper clouds instead, that cast distinct shadows on the water as they blow past. I wonder if the ships are out there for Mr. DiMaggio?

There's something about Joe DiMaggio that has a flavor like, oh yes, that's when it meant something decent and good to be an American. I never noticed his teeth before. Such a kid's gappy-toothed smile.

No one like that now, not here in the Twee Millenium. "In an archive interview with Dr. Glenn Seaborg, I ask him such questions as, 'What did it feel like to work on the Manhattan Project?'". Good god. I'm beginning to find a good rule of thumb for NPR programs: the longer the credits, especially in proportion to the actual content, the more twee and useless the program. This embarassing quote came from Tech Nation, and at the beginning of the show was a sub-micro-showlet named Five Minutes, or possibly Five Minutes with Moira Gunn. She discussed Linux like it was a brand of soap. "And where does this leave us? We're consumers." What, you think this is some kind of accomplishment? And what do you mean we, white woman? Of the 5 Minutes, I think maybe she talked for 3, followed by 2 minutes of credits. All brought to us by - surprise! - KQED, the worst excuse for a public broadcasting organization I have ever known. I'm sure they're all pleased as punch with themselves for managing to put together a whole five minute long show, whooo hoo!

In other news, Janeane Garofalo's picture was in the Times today, darn her for being so cute and in New York anyway. (To clarify, this is not about being famous, but about having black hair and dorky glasses and a big watch and being funny, and if you knew, for instance, my office crush, you would know that this was true.) (But you don't, so trust me.)

7:30: I've always wanted to take a nice little vacation.... Neat, huh? Fly up on the Roton, take a cruise around the Moon, encounter new digestive challenges. But this should have already happened, jeez, it took them 15 years to figure out that those big empty tanks might be good for something? I don't know what's wrong with people. I have my suspicions, though.

And then, as if the law against smoking in bars wasn't annoying enough, now they tell us that maybe we don't have to die so soon after all. Unless we've gone and done something silly like coating our lungs with tar. Damn it. Well, whatever, see above - no matter what, it will always end up taking just that little bit too long to matter. Plus there's always MUNI to shorten the odds...

9:36: I don't know why I keep making plans as if I had this big circle of friends. Spell casting I suppose. Today I finally managed to confirm the lack of takers for these extra Love & Rockets tickets for Sunday. Now ... I dunno. Send mail around at work? Never get answers to that. I don't have physical tickets, so I can't give them to the homeless. Well, see what happens I suppose. Signed, Lou Dzerr.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
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The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.