wanna go HOME now...


18 December 1998

1:53 PM: I think we have been off the air here for a while, my confused but sincere apologies. Sheesh. Modems not working, machines crashing, bombs falling, frogs raining from the sky - it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas after all.

OK I lied about the frogs. But I'd believe it if it happened! Weird weather out today. There's a gigantic undifferentiated mass of raincloud coming in from the ocean, that seems stuck right about at the coastline. Meanwhile, directly above us is blue sky and puffy clouds and the big yellow sun with the smiley face. So the light has this weird underwater basement quality, and the world outside one's immediate surroundings looks like a rumor. It also reminds me of Scotland a little, which doesn't mix with any of the rest of that, but there you go. I like it.

4:58: We had a "special holiday snack" today, and our seldom-seen leaderette was wandering around saying "holiday party ... holiday party ... holiday party ..." Then all the sububers and so forth got into the chivvying and eventually they got everyone down into the empty quadrant where this extravaganza was supposed to be taking place.

There to find nothing remotely resembling eggnog, but instead some kind of sour-cream-in-a-loaf-of-bread deal, some different kinds of cheeses, some different kinds of breads, some cookies, tea, and - wow! - hot water. Whee.

Oh! I almost forgot. I am so stupid! It's not New Legend of Shaolin that has the kung-fu-kid-as-yo-yo scene, it is in fact the movie I saw last night, My Father Is A Hero! I finally figured it out about 30 minutes before the end, when I realized that the climactic fight was going to take place in a boat (a ship? I confess to not knowing the difference). I started sort of, er, bouncing up and down in my seat, saying "Yes!! Yes!!", but quietly to myself, you understand. It will tell you something about who goes to see these things that I very much doubt that anyone noticed, or if they did, paid it any particular mind. Hey, if it wasn't for paranoids and hermits, I wouldn't have anyone to hang out with at all.

11:20: Um.

Highlights [sic] from the House impeachment debate

"Resolved, that William Jefferson Clinton, president of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors."
-- House reading clerk Paul Hays, reading the resolution of impeachment

"Boo. Boo."
-- House Democrats, responding to acting Speaker Ray LaHood's rule that members cannot compare the behavior of fellow representatives to the allegations against President Bill Clinton. Speaker-to-be Bob Livingston revealed Thursday that he has had multiple extra-marital affairs.

Mooo! Moooo!

I mean. What? There's nothing to say about this kind of crap. If it's not self-evidently insane to you, then welcome to my planet, friend, hope you enjoy your stay. Wheeeeeeeee.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.