wanna go HOME now...

  Jaw Jaw

28 July 1998

Holy Jesus Harrison Sandwich, I feel like I've been talking for 36 hours straight. (Training.) Why is just sitting somewhere and talking so draining? It's not like I'm nailing down flooring or something really hard. Wimp. (Hmmm. That's actually accurate. I don't interact much and I'm getting more massive every day...)

But here I am, after a two hour meeting and about three hours of sitting with someone and working on writing code in a new system, and all I feel capable of doing is making that "bebedebedebebebe" noise with my lips. Which I guess should tell you something about the level of craftsmanship involved in writing this stuff, eh? Wheeeeeeeeee. I would feel completely justified in just walking out the door right now, even though I've only been here for 6 hours. And me an altar boy, too, so when I say "justified", I mean even God would probably buy it.

Maybe I will split early and go book-shopping. If I could just get to sleep tonight I could show up a bit earlier tomorrow. Hey, have we heard this before? Yes yes, OK. But honestly, if I was ever going to pick a week to get in before 11 AM, this ought to be it. And it's already Tuesday you know. I just finished a big piece of techthing that a couple fellows here have to learn and use in order to get any work done on their new projects. So it's incumbent on me to be around to help.

That means more talking. Oh boy, eggs for brains. What, what, what do I do? Who, who, who else talks like this? Oh, the Angel in Perestroika. Sheesh! That link took 45 minutes to find! Information may want to be free, but not if the newspapers of the good old USA have anything to say about it. All their archives are pay-per-view now. Cheap ass fuckers. On the other side of the balance sheet, another Thing That Is Good: Beautiful Maladies: The Island Years by Tom Waits. I would very much like to be Tom Waits when I grow up. He's crazy but he's found a use for it. By now he's as much of a brand as Michael Jordan, and I bet hardly any people in Asia were exploited in the process. No more than a dozen, tops.

The Twee Millenium

It's getting out of hand. I read Slowness, Milan Kundera's most recent book, last night. Awwwwww! Idnt he de cutest widdle Czechywechy!!! OK, that might be overboard. A bit. Maybe.

it is certainly Kundera's lightest novel, a divertimento, with, as the author himself says, "not a single serious word in it."
Ooh, but there's lots of nasty swear words like "ass hole" and "anti-cock" and "bugger". He wrote it in French, that's what happened, I bet. Though it shows all the signs of Kundera's worst tendencies joining forces into one big dimple.

You should not misunderstand. I like Milan Kundera's work tremendously. I had pretty much given up on modern authors before I found his books. He was my gateway drug into Central European literature - Skvorecky, Hrabal, Musil - and besides all that, he was fun to read. Everything that's wrong with Slowness is a version of what's right with, say, The Joke. Overuse, maybe? Maybe.

It's just so goddamned darling and clever and... well, twee. This on top of that Salon article yesterday and movies like the one promised by the time-haltingly-bad preview for Stepmom that I had to sit through before seeing the pretty-cute-itself Mask of Zorro and ... and ... all these kids and their crazy hair styles -- !!! Well! I tell you.

I may be cranky but I don't care, for to all this nicenice, I say fooey. And don't tell me I'm exaggerating, either, I don't want to hear about it. Damn it.

2:01 AM: To whoever is responsible for the pavement in front of the Ana Hotel on 3rd Street: the new sidewalk you've laid recently is way too sparkly. I found it significantly distracting just walking up to the bus stop this evening. I am sure that many traffic accidents will occur due to similarly befuddled pedestrians walking in front of delivery vans. Yours sincerely, etc.

Also: Anna and Mitch were wearing each others' jackets tonight. Isn't that cuuuuuute? Gack. The Twee Millenium marches on.

Willfully blind self-indulgent nebbish or amusingly quirky old coot? And how bout that local sports team? Discuss among yourselves.

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All names are fake, most places are real, the author is definitely unreliable but it's all in good fun. Yep.
© 1998-1999 Lighthouse for the Deaf. All rights reserved and stuff.

The motto at the top of the page is a graffito I saw on Brunswick Street in Melbourne.