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parent: Periodontist

Re: Periodontist by Tetra Grammaton on 1999-12-16 10:17:24

No, you see, it's the little joke, because to me 'periodontist' sounds like a kind of dinosaur... ha ha...

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Re: Re: Periodontist by Amelia on 1999-12-16 23:14:33  |  Reply to this
  OK, I'll buy that. That's from that osteocentric trend of naming dinosaurs after the few bones they managed to dig up. Which often misses the best feature of the finally assembled creature. I mean, dimetrodon has this huge bony sail rising up from its spine, which looks really, really cool, but it is named for having "two different sizes of teeth." Narrow-minded, that.

But I was looking at the false etymology of "period" + ontist.

Man, I guess it's really what they say about the lowest form of humor.