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parent: WORM NERD

'E' is for Everything, not just Elvis. by Kid Loco on 1999-11-08 22:43:49

It is an intellectual culture gone way beyond that of any establishment in the real world. It involves skill, knowledge, humour and even poularity. And for 'E' people always put Elvis. Why? Why is this?

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Re: 'E' is for Everything, not just Elvis. by Amelia on 1999-11-09 01:39:56  |  Reply to this
  I used to put Eric sometimes, but he got mad.
Plus, as you may have discerned by now, I really dig
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in a big way.
Elvis is King!
Re: Re: 'E' is for Everything, not just Elvis, except for Amelia for whom 'E' is for Elvis. But, alas, what about É? E acute? ahahahahaha? by Kid Loco on 1999-11-09 19:13:48  |  Reply to this
  OK, so I can do accents, so, go on then, talk your way out of the one, Élvis Presley. I don't think só, háháhá!