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parent: Screw England. Bigger things are afoot.

Re: Screw England. Bigger things are afoot. by Ferrit on 2004-05-28 09:30:26

I think that we should weld John Prescott to the side of that cunning Tory fop who edits the Spectator. Bozza! Then and only then would we have someone worthy and capable of running this proud, ignorant, and sometimes runny country of England. Just take a second to imagine it...just think for a moment...Its prime minister's questions. Some whinging tory backbencher, who only turns up on wednesdays anyway, waves his paper about, complaining of something tedious and unimportant. BozzaScott jumps from his perch atop blair's bloody scalp and larraps him a good 'un with his filthy hands, leaving all in silence. Now wouldn't that be something? Any other suggestions? Actually, I think I'll create a thread on that point...

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Re: Re: Screw England. Bigger things are afoot. by Kid on 2004-05-28 13:14:01  |  Reply to this
  That Tory Fop is the new shadow minister for...I know this...I know it...No, can't think. He's like shadow minister for the outdoors, and is very much a front-bencher now. Why do I know all this? Bus journeys can drag. You fill in the rest