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parent: Screw England. Bigger things are afoot.

Re: Screw England. Bigger things are afoot. by Kid is a retard on 2004-05-27 20:38:06

You must be pretty stupid. How can it be the msot convenient time for the US and Europe at the same time? They're in different time zones you dumbarse! Also America, not England, everyone hates you anyway.

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Re: Re: Screw England. Bigger things are afoot. by Kid on 2004-05-27 21:51:09  |  Reply to this
  Think about that briefly.....oh dear oh dear oh dear.
Re: Re: Screw England. Bigger things are afoot. by I.D on 2004-05-28 05:50:26  |  Reply to this
  I believe that if you had more Wicker Donkeys in your life you would be a lot less bitter.