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parent: should a kid that is 16 years old drive?
Re: should a kid that is 16 years old drive? by Kid on 2003-04-01 04:20:53
Well, of course, as with anything regarding 'kids' between the ages of 12 and 18, it is very different given the emotional, mental and physical development of the child. At 16, there is still a proportion of 'kids' who have not the maturity to be trusted with a car to eliminate the option that they should.
Think of this, too. If a 'kid' of 16 drives, they are still at school. How can they pay for petrol? How can they pay insurance? So, for me, no. Each case, ideally would be taken on merit, but seeing as that is impossible, one would have to decide on the safest course of action for everyone involved, which is not the unsuitable to drive, and thus for nobody that age to do so.