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parent: quron

Re: quron by Wash! on 2003-02-12 14:02:31

I actually read "quorn" the first time i read the message. I then searched through the topics to bring back the debate we had on quorn, but on reflection to kids quorn-unrelated reply, i realised i'd misread the aron beeron seeron deeron ...quron title. Don;t kow if you read my post a while ago telling you that i ate some quorn. No wait, it was tofu, but its the same sorta thing, right?

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Re: Re: quron by Kid on 2003-02-12 15:41:08  |  Reply to this
  Similar, yes. Quorn is mushrooms, I believe, pulped and knackered in other ways and sculpted. Tofu is a mystery to me.

And it was too unrelated. It was just a 'stress gag'. He of course calls himself Co Lin (A bit like Cumin or Oh Min) and I thought Quron (Queue Ron) sounded of a similar incorrect nature. It didn't deserve feedback, and should have been left in the past long ago.