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parent: If you're annoyed, what am I? Please read all of this
Re: If you're annoyed, what am I? Please read all of this by Tetra Grammaton on 2001-11-20 17:37:07
Heh. Well. Not that I'm bitter or anything, but - You're Doomed. Whatever reason she gave you is the reason she gave herself to make it all seem reasonable. Doesn't make it untrue but it's not the point. You don't have to break a relationship to concentrate on work, after all.
As to the friend thing - I can only quote the expert:
You're not friends. You'll never be
friends. You'll be in love till it
kills you both. You'll fight, you'll
shag, you'll hate each other till it
makes you quiver, but you'll never be
friends. Real love isn't brains,
children, it's blood, it's blood
screaming inside you to work its
will. I may be love's bitch, but at
least I'm man enough to admit it.