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Be afraid... be very afraid... by xpatriot on 2000-12-15 13:08:14
SOMEbody SOMEwhere knew something bad enough about George (Bubba) W. in order to keep him out of office in the FIRST place! Our little friend Tami sez: "Oh well, guess I'll just have to get my abortion somewhere's else -- (Think my uncle will care?) After all, women are supposed to be barefoot and pregnant aren't they? Well AREN'T they???!!!???!!!!?? Besides, I look older than 13... But my new boyfriend's a skinhead, he believes in God AND guns! He's so cool... Right-wing white Christians who stockpile arsenals are the bomb..." Thanx Tami! But I digress -- if we get a rascist, anti-semitic, prejudiced inbred bastard for a president, hey,we get what we deserve...